About Me

I have always felt that there is more going on around us than we can see. I have always sensed from early on that everything and everyone is connected by some kind of energy. I believe that energy is a pure loving light energy. I believe we are spiritual beings and at our core, we are this pure loving light energy. Therefore, it stands to reason that there has to be a way to live that is based on our spirit and that we can raise our vibration to be more of that pure loving light energy.

My mission is to raise my own vibration, help others raise their vibration, and thereby, help raise the vibration of the planet. I believe one of the best ways I can do this is through my songs. Music communicates directly with our spirit at a very deep level. Another way is to share any useful information, resource, or spiritual guidance that I have discovered or received.

I hope that the songs, blog posts, and information that you find here are inspiring, uplifting, empowering, and comforting. I hope they will help you on your own spiritual journey to raise your vibration. Namaste.

Love & Light,